1. Check your medicines: Avoid drugs, particularly painkillers that may contribute to heartburn.

2. Examine your diet: Avoid foods that seem to trigger heartburn like caffeine, chocolate, high-acid foods (such as citrus and tomato juices) and mint-flavored foods. Dairy foods can be triggers in people who are lactose-intolerant. Avoid fatty foods, especially animal fat. Also, it is a myth that carbonated drinks relieve heartburn. Just the opposite is true.

3. Quit smoking: Tobacco irritates the digestive tract and contributes to heartburn.

4. Avoid alcohol: It can cause and aggravate heartburn.

5. Lose weight: Losing weight even a little can alleviate heartburn.

6. Change your eating habits: Eat small, frequent meals rather than three large ones. Don't eat late at night, and don't lie down right after eating.

7. Prop yourself up: Elevate the upper portion of your body when you sleep. An extra pillow under your head won't do it. Your chest and shoulders need to be elevated, too.

8. Exercise: A regular aerobic exercise program, even a brisk daily walk, helps many people with heartburn. It reduces stress and helps you lose weight. However, don’t exercise right after a meal.

9. Reduce stress: Stress doesn’t cause heartburn, but it can make it worse. So stress-reduction may help you control heartburn.

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