Why do sleeping is important?

sleeping cause muscle and all organ to rest extremely for readiness to work in next day. Few sleeping may cause working to fail, less quantity or lower quality than normal. there is a research that people, who alway sleep less than 4 hours or more than 10 hours per night, may be short-lived than people, who usually sleep. People who sleep not enough for a long time, may risk being Coronary Artery Disease(CAD) as them grow older. Sleeping time that gain most advantage is a period between 9.00pm to 10.00pm because growth homone run out extremely in a period between 10.00pm to 00.00am and should sleep at least for 6-8 hours a day.

How do I choose mattress?

Mattress is supposed to medium-sized, not too soft or too tightly but it depend on a body of each person. If you try lie down and then you don't have a backache, be regarded as that can be used. you also should a mattress that be longer than the height of yourself at least 15 centimeter and consider the following important factor below.

Firmness - Depend on the satisfaction and the body of person such as a special tightly mattress convenient for a big body person.

Conformity - there should be a part that support the body suitably. To conform the arc, It will help the muscle to relax and more comfortable sleep.

Edge Support - It's a abiliry in taking weight especially, edge period of the mattress in order to prevent contraction and flowwing when in or out to bed.
You should reverse a mattress to other side after using that for 6 months far in order to not use just one-side. If you use just one-side, the mattress will deteriorate quickly.

Which posture is the best of sleeping?

Sleeping relate to backbone because wrong sleeping posture can cause backbone move out horizon to be out of shape or bended. Sleeping posture is a important factor that cause sleeping deeply, to feel fresh after waking up and have not pains and aches.

- Sleeping with turning face up should use low horizon pillow in order that nape stays one line with a body and protect neck aching from sleeping that crane too much. But this posture inappropriate with patient that be lung disease and heart disease because diaphragm muscle will overlay lung that cause them to breathe not convenient.

- Sleeping on one's side - sleeping on right's side helps a heart to works convenient, food that remain in stomach will be oppressed to small intestine as well and can helps to decrease backache symptom. But sleeping on left's side may cause them to have a piercing pain in the xiphisternum because of food that remain in stomuch. pregnant woman should lie on one's side for fear that a womb goes to overlay a backbone and large blood vessel on middle body.

- Lie prone may cause inhalation to be congested and having a nape pain because neck bend the back on one side for a long time. If you want to sleep with this posture, you should use pillow to carry under chest in order that not have a nape pain.

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