Do you need to buy health insurance? Or do you need to make a selection from the plans your employer offers. If you do need to select a health insurance plan for yourself, or for your family, it is very important to understand the various types so you will be satisfied with your decision later. Do not shop just on price, but on the types of services that will be covered. When you know what to expect from your health insurance, you will be much more able to use it wisely.

Common Types of Health Plans:

Preferred Provider Organizations - These health plans include a network of medical providers that you can get medical service from for the lowest costs. You will still be covered if you choose a non-network provider, but at a lower level. PPO plans are popular because they offer the most flexibility, but are still simple to use. Because they combine simplicity, network coverage, and some flexibility, PPO plans are very popular with consumers and medical providers.

Health Maintenance Organizations - You have to use your network providers to get coverage, but they are usually simple to use and provide very comprehensive coverage. HMO plans are not that flexible, but they work well for some people who live in an area with a good network of health care providers.

Note that with both HMO and PPO plans, you usually have exceptions to network coverage rules. For instance, non-network emergency services will be covered. You may be able to get other services covered if the plan network does not have a provider available. Be sure to get any non-network and non-emergency services approved by the company in advance.

Health Savings Accounts and High Deductible Health Insurance - These plans combine a higher yearly deductible medical plan with a tax advantage savings accounts. These work out well for people who like to control their spending, and who will commit to be disciplined savers. The savings account will also pay for some medical expenses that most major medical plans do not cover like vision or dental care.

Specified Benefit Plans - These may provide coverage for specific illnesses or injuries that are outlined in the policy. Some cover many different medical services, but some are very specific. For instance, you can buy cancer plans or hospitalization plans. These can be purchased to stand alone, or to provide additional security in case of a major medical problem. The amount of coverage will be clearly defined in the policy.

Mini Med Plans - This type of health insurance is not meant to be major medical health insurance, and will not offer complete coverage for large dollar medical items. They can be useful to provide more coverage when combined with a high deductible major medical insurance plan. But most of the time people buy them as stand alone policies because of the lower cost and easier underwriting. Make sure you understand how they will cover you before you need to use them.

I cannot tell you which health insurance plan, or combination of health insurance plans, will be the right one for you. Your own health, age, location, and budget will affect your decision. You need to compare the advantages and disadvantages of different options.

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