Candle making has become a very popular hobby and art as many individuals learn to make these attractive products at home. You can find how-to candle making kits with full instructions on how to make candles of all kinds and styles in addition to the many books and online videos on the subject. Making scented candles opens up yet another line of candle making known as essential oil candles.

By definition, essential oils are oils extracted from many different kinds of plants, flowers, fruits or herbs that are used to scent various products to include natural candles, soaps, perfumes, etc. These oils are a hot commodity on the market today as consumers recognize the therapeutic values they have to offer. Many of these oil types are well known for their medicinal and homeopathic qualities which make them a bit expensive to buy. Adding to the cost factor is the fact that the oils are 100% natural, and the process of extraction requires a large amount of plant matter to extract a small amount of oil. Hence when a product is said to contain essential oils the price will be higher due to the work involved in acquiring the oil.

When it comes to combining these oils with the production of all natural candles or handmade soy candles, the result is aromatherapy soy candles - a winning combination that people all over the country can enjoy. Since the invention of soy wax, the use of aromatherapy soy candles has grown to become one of the most popular candle types on the market.

Why do essential oils need to be combined with only all natural products? To help understand this concept you need to understand the process of aromatherapy. Basically aromatherapy consists of using the aroma of these natural oils to help improve the emotional, physical and psychological well being of an individual. When these aromas are mixed with non-natural chemicals their aroma is no longer pure, hence its therapeutic properties are curtailed. That is why the oils cannot be used with a paraffin candle, for example, which emits strong chemical substances into the air when it is burned as the soot and carcinogens emitted by the paraffin would contaminate the aroma from the essential oils, rendering its healing properties useless.

To fully benefit from the healing properties of these natural oils in your candles, only all natural candles or handmade soy candles should be used in conjunction with essential oils. As natural soy candles can be made in all shapes, sizes and colors you will have no problem finding candles that can beautifully complement the existing decorations of your home while you receive the wonderful effects of its aroma. Friends and family alike will be able to enjoy attractive styles and designs of essential oil candles and their distinct scents during special events, family gatherings or festive occasions without suffering negative effects or allergy causing aromas. In addition, you will be able to add just the right scent to individual areas of your home to create the precise ambiance or mood you desire.

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